About us

Business Growth

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Strategy Process

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Finance Manage

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A) To create awareness in consumers regarding:
i) Their actual needs.
ii) Selection of products according to their requirement.
iii) The information given on the wrappers or labels of the products.
iv) Consumers rights and responsibilities.
B) To protect the rights of the Consumers Under
C) To Unite the Consumers.


To Establish Sovereignty of Consumers by bringing together large number of people for a common cause and fight against injustice in order to protect the interest of Consumers.


To enrich the quality of life through sustainable consumption, to educate consumers, to create awareness and thus to empower them to fight against injustice.

Mission Statement

“Grahak Hitay, Grahak Sukhay” For welfare and satisfaction of the consumers.

About Mumbai Grahak Panchayat

  • Established in the year 1975 on Gudhi Padwa (Hindu New Year.)
  • Largest Membership of more than 33,000 families.
  • More than 120,000 satisfied consumers as beneficiaries through its unique, environment friendly distribution system.
  • Offers about 100 essential and other commodities every month on ‘NoProfit, No Loss’ basis.
  • Largest number of voluntary Consumer activists (more than 3500).
  • Largest participation of women volunteers.
  • Financially, totally self-reliant, self sustainable organisation.
  • Role Model for promoting Sustainable Consumption world over. (Distribution Model adopted in Zimbabwe)
  • Emphasis on Ethical, Fair and Transparent Practice.

Our History

Early 70's were the days of shortages and scarcity of all essential commodities in our country. Hoarding, Black Marketing, Cheating in rates as well as weights/ measurements and quality were very common. Consumers were being ruthlessly exploited. Society, in general, was upset. At such situation few volunteers from Pune and Mumbai like Bindu Madhav Joshi, Sudhir Phadke, P.W. Gadgil, Madhukar Mantri, Ashok Rawat, Appasaheb Godbole, Pratibhatai Godbole etc, came together to mobilize consumer movement and possibility for establishing a consumer organization. With their sustained efforts Mumbai Grahak Panchayat (MGP) was established in year 1975 and registered in 1981 under Charity Commission Act 1950 (Reg No. F7000). The basic idea was distribution of goods of essential house hold needs, to the organization members with collective buying on ‘No Profit No Loss basis.’

The goods distribution system established by Mumbai Grahak Panchayat is one of its kind. Initially started with just families of 25, now grown to 33,000 families in Mumbai,Thane, Raigad, Pune, Ratnagiri and Palghar districts of Maharashtra. Even consumer International and United Nations has lauded the distribution system as unique model for other developing countries and also role model for promoting sustainable consumption

Distribution of essential provisions on monthly basis has proved to be foundation for consumer movement. Consumer Protection & Consumer education are the goals of MGP.

MGPs another uniqueness is largest number of voluntary consumer activists including top management, and also largest participation of women volunteers. This consistent growth is not the result of any aggressive marketing or publicity, but solely based on mouth to mouth publicity by the members & well-wishers.

Eminent personalities who visited the institution

Eminent Personalities who visited the institution

He has extensive experience in organizational design, business process reengineering.

Fran Bostick

Founder & CEO
He has extensive experience in organizational design, business process reengineering.

Tina Holt

Federal Contractor
He has extensive experience in organizational design, business process reengineering.

Charles Wilkinson

Founder & CEO
He has extensive experience in organizational design, business process reengineering.

Michael Alan Tate

Vice President
He has extensive experience in organizational design, business process reengineering.

Suzanne Higgins

Senior Consultant

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Natalia Duke

(Chairman and founder)
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We bring more than 20 years’ senior experience forging collaborations across government, private sector and international forums.

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Award winner

Board of Trustees

Management Committee


Management Committee